
Showing posts from March 22, 2015

I did it Passu!

The above pictures has been transformed by myself. I simply followed the steps shared by Passu.  Thank you once Again Passu. You know how I do love Art. I am a fan of Art. But the simple big question is I can't. Until now. I will not stop. I will go on doing this simple step and satisfy my desire for Art. I hope I did it right. I am still at infancy and hope to grow finer as I grow old. Who knows I might surpass you one day mos Hato!....heheheheheheeheeee! Thank you Man! Like you did inspire me to do it, I hope my followers might try and might do better, whoever loves Art. NB: Passu, you remember the faceless portrait you gave me when we were at DHSS. I still have it on my wall. Though a corner of it has been nibbled by a mouse.

Be Me...Be It!

Here I Come Now...BE ME! Here on I promise to fill up every little space left on the pages of my long lost life. I would like to share and invite views from you friends. I have tried many a times. But simply couldn't. I do love to READ and also WRITE! But simply got STUCK! You know what I mean. Always do I tell my children in my classes. To read and to write. I myself forgot in the process of telling them and teaching them as well to read and write. I have still miles to go. And miles to cover. Over the years I was lost in my daily chores of my household life. Forgot to read. Forgot to write. And still forgets to remember the bygone special days. No I will not let it slip by. I will not let it go in vain. i am going to document it. I ma going to leave it in a print. The long lost of my life. Be it mundane. Be it silly. Be it insufficient. Be it incomplete. Be it useless. Be it informative less. I won't mind rambling through the hurdles of my lonely life. Be it. Let it Be...

Snap shots on as I travelled by!

A Yak basking in the sun by the road... on the way to Trongsa! Pelela...between trongsa N Wangduephodrang Momo Monkey Lungta up on Pelela Yotongla...between Bumthang N Trongsa Trongsa Dzong Viewpoint Chorten