Of Life and Dream

“Every action has an equal and opposite reaction,” declared Isaac Newton in the 1700s. ‘Garbage in, Garbage out,’ say Greek. Sow a seed, reap a fruit. Plant a chilli, you get chillies back. Plant a mango, you get mangoes back. But how is it that sometimes people sow mangoes, but get chillies? There is no inconsistency in this; the chillies are simply fruits of some earlier actions or decisions and the mangoes are yet to come.
We can’t force a seed to grow. We can’t compel a flower to blossom. These things depend on the seed type and environmental conditions. Therefore, one must not get dejected- one must not stop sowing good seeds, because there exists no other way to receive good fruits. Often, bitter, drier fruits are more nutritious and health inducing than the succulent, sweeter ones. Similarly, if you befriend, you will be befriended. If you love, you will be loved. Love, family and friends enrich one’s life more than any amount of wealth. But you need to make continual investments of friendliness, affection and love because we are all human beings and we don’t’ love all the time. Sometimes we say nasty things to loved one- may be we say things we don’t really mean, but it amounts a withdrawal from the love account. What you take out needs to be re-deposited as early as possible. Affection and love are about giving away money or buying expensive gifts but it simply lies in the way you give, be it small or too little but still it is the token of profound affection and love. But look ahead friends, life still is beautiful. We still are ourselves. Our world is our own. Our parents are our own. Our love is our own. Let us find values in self-belief. Let us have faith. Let us be believers, and let us believe in dreams, as our dreams are brie; and most of the time they are just illusions, and yet we hang on to them. After all we are just mere dreamers.
Oh! Dream on dreamer
Dream that you sleep
On the bed of Roses!
Dream that your dreams
Are full of dreams,
Those sweet unseen
Undreamt dreams…
Those dreams of dream! 

You know friends, when we are small tiny lads and lasses we tend to live in a much better world. An unforgettable world. An ever-haunting world. But, as we grow on, darts of adult thorns lacerates us, scars us, and yes, often burns us. We want to escape. Back in memories, carrying our child self on our adult arms, seeking safety, seeking warmth in this joyless world. That is why I prefer dreaming. Do you? It lets me escape at least for a brief moment, as long as my candle of life lasts.
Well friends, I was just dreaming and I have shared my dreams with you. A part of it- if not all. Dreams are all I have to offer to you today. No advice, no consolation, no encouragement, no rebuke, no…nothing. We are all imperfect. Keep growing old. Keep shedding tears. Keep dreaming. Thank your parents for the life and love, thank your friends for the joy and laughter, and thank yourself for the endless dreams…! I thank you for reading through my life and dream.


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