The MoE Secretary visits Orong

At 3.30 pm Aum Secretary along with the Chief HRO of MoE visited the school. She is on tour and Samdrup Jongkhar will be the 8th Dzongkhag that she will be covering after Trashigang. While on her way to the Dzongkhag headquarter, she made an arduous journey of 12 km towards our school. Meeting with the teachers she explained on various roles that the school can play in getting our students educated in a most desired way so as to equip them 'for the real world'. She also explained on about the Pelkhil incident and tried to get opinion from us, to which she got a sinister silence in reply. May be its her first visit to the school or may be teachers are meeting her for the first time. All kept their mouth shut like a well disciplined soldier in front of his/her Boss.
Her visit to the school is an important coz she can see the realities of the school. She found the school to be beautifully located and has great potential in becoming a 'Role Model School' in the dzongkhag, if the teachers are dedicated to their service. Not only that the Dzongkhag had to constantly help boost the morale of the teachers in various ways, like training, workshops and career enhancements.
Now she has left the school after meeting with the students. She met with the students of class X and XII. She is going to call on all the Principles of the Dzongkhag to deliberate and consulate on the 'Zero Tolerance' recently introduced by the Ministry of Education. Hope the Principles brings in a lot of information about this 'Zero Tolerance' to their schools to help all the teachers...for the teachers and students sake. 


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