The OBS...The Voice of Orong

Initially it began as The Voice of Orong in 2008. There was not much response from the students. Many have never heard of it and had no experience on it. With a lot of reluctance from the students I went ahead of introducing it in the Club (Literary Club). I made them to read the stale news of the Kuensel and practice in the club beofre it was aired in the assembly. For few months, all the members had a tough time in reading (poor reading habit). As months passed by, they became more confident in their speaking and finally could make it in the Assembly courtyard only in 2009.
OBS going LIVE...
Ever since its establishment, much progress can be seen in the conduction of the program. Every saturday is the NEWS HOUR and Orong Boradcasting Service (OBS) broadcast news both in English and Dzongkha, alternatively for 15 minutes during the morning Assembly. Varities inlcude News Reading, Interviews (Hard Talk), Guest Appearance and Live Debates, which encourages a lot of students particiaption.
Debating LIVE on Drug Abuse
The main objective of introducing OBS was to help stududents gain some innsight into the world of news. Help them inculcate reading habits and become aware of events taking place in anad around their otherwise little world. Public Speaking is another objective, for they can prepare themselves for the real world. Preparation for the real world.
Teachers taking cover from the sun


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