Student Orientation on 10 core Life Skills

Today the classes were called off. The teachers who attended the workshop on SPEA and Life Skill held at Samdrup Jongkhar last winter are presenting on the basic requirements for the students all round development in their daily learning.
The main objective of today's orientation was on to create awareness among the students about their adolescent period. Many of the youth related issues stems from when the students are not well aware of their strengths and weaknesses. Today's program is to let them realize and make a reflection on their daily lives. It is a good program indeed for the students.
The topics presented to the students were some of the basic essentials in their daily lives. They must know and realize it. They can't simply keep it aside and ignore. First there was the presentation on the 10 Core Life Skills that they needed to comprehend. Second presentation was on the GNH in schools. Third was about the realization of their Rights and Duties as a student. Fourth was on the Youth related issues like drug and substance abuse and then teenage pregnancy. All the topics discussed were relevant to the students and I as an observer feel that now the students are well aware of their own lives so as to co-exists and study hard without much misunderstanding.
However, the hall was packed and it was hot. All were fanning themselves and trying to concentrate. But the conclusion that they get from this program would equip them to become a better person. A better student. A better future citizen.


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